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The institute 4 Preventive Health welcomes Josien Pluim as a new member of its steering committee. As part of the committee she will play an important role in high-level guidance, direction, and oversight to ensure that the i4PH’s are relevant within the field of preventive health and align with the strategic objectives and of the EWUU alliance.

Josien Pluim is professor of Medical Image Analysis at Eindhoven University of Technology, and head of the Medical Image Analysis group.

In addition, she holds a part-time professorship at the University Medical Center Utrecht and is vice-dean for the Department of Biomedical Engineering at TU/e. Her research focus is on image analysis (e.g. registration, segmentation, detection, machine/deep learning), both methodology development and clinical applications. The latter is in particular targeted at neurology and oncology.

You can read more about Josien’s background at her profile page.

We give a warm welcome to Josien, and are looking forward to her contributions in the i4PH team.