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Strategic alliance

Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht work together in a strategic alliance to tackle pressing social challenges and realise sustainable transitions to create a better future.

Challenging future generations is the motto of this strategic collaboration. Young researchers, lecturers and students are at the helm and work together right across disciplines. The challenges future generations will face are large but so are the possibilities for meeting those challenges. The institutions combine their expertise in order to contribute to social transitions in energy, sustainability, health and food.

Unconventional approaches

The institutions challenge themselves by allowing researchers to take unconventional approaches. Together they want to enable shared scientific breakthroughs, and find solutions to challenges related to the social themes of health, food, energy and the circular society.

Internationally recognised

Eindhoven University of Technology is the beating heart of one of the most important technology hubs in the world: Brainport Eindhoven. Wageningen University & Research is internationally renowned for its pioneering research in the field of healthy and sustainable food, while Utrecht University has the knowledge and expertise, in house, to design a healthy, safe and sustainable city. UMC Utrecht cooperates not only with top researchers from various fields, but also with patient associations, general practitioners and industry. The four institutions cooperate in a cross-disciplinary way in those fields in which they complement each other. The ambition is considerable: to solve that which appears to have no solution.

Two priority areas

The strategic collaboration has different working groups and two priority areas: preventive health and circular society. The Institute for Preventive Health (i4PH) and Circular Society, focus on translating research outcomes into concrete applications. There is intensive cooperation between working groups within the alliance, and the community, on preventive health.


Alliance TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht (EWUU)

Curious about the alliance? Interested in collaborating with i4PH or one of the other working groups or programmes within the collaboration? Please contact us or check ewuu.nl.