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Our team

Behind the Institute for Preventive Health (i4PH) is a team of driven and experienced professionals. All have worked for many years in the field of preventive health research.

Programme Team

Martine van der Mast

Programme Director

Wageningen University & Research

Contact Martine

Roel Vermeulen

Scientific Director

Utrecht University

Contact Roel

Daria Alexeeva

Liaison Officer

Eindhoven University of Technology

Contact Daria

Tessa Scherphof

Liaison Officer

Utrecht University & UMC Utrecht

Contact Tessa

Marloes Vriend

Communications Advisor

Eindhoven University of Technology

Contact Marloes

Advisory Board

Ellen Kampman

Advisory Board

Wageningen University & Research

Contact Ellen

Niek de Wit

Advisory Board

UMC Utrecht

Contact Niek

Sander Thomaes

Advisory Board

Utrecht University

Contact Sander

Josien Pluim

Advisory Board

Eindhoven University of Technology

Contact Josien

Supervisory Board

Leoniek Wijngaards

Supervisory Board

Utrecht University

Contact Leoniek

Gerda Feunekes

Supervisory Board

Wageningen University & Research

Contact Gerda

Marc Bonten

Supervisory Board

UMC Utrecht

Contact Marc