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Exciting News, with the new TKI AgriFood grant, the project Personalised dietary advice for human and planetary health now has a budget of 432k!

Thrilled to announce that this transdisciplinary project, which started off with seed money in 2022 from the institute 4 Preventive Health, is set to investigate how dietary advice can be personalized for improved personal health and well-being.

Together, Natal van Riel (Technical University Eindhoven), Anouk Gijbels (Wageningen University & Research) and Lydia Afman (Wageningen University & Research), Hanna Hauptmann (Utrecht University), Hero Group, Clear.bio and Henri BV, dive deep into the quest for meals and diets that uniquely benefit individuals both short and long term, while also taking environmental sustainability into account.

The mission of this project is to pave the way for the development of smart tools for personalized dietary recommendations to foster healthier and more sustainable diets among Dutch consumers.

The outcomes could have practical implications for diverse stakeholders, from product developers and tech companies to health professionals and insurers. Together, we can transform insights into tangible tools supporting consumers in making healthier and more sustainable choices.

Want to know more about this project? Take a look at the projectpage to find our more.

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