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Update 08/05/24 – This call is closed. Thank you for your contributions!

At the Institute 4 Preventive Health, we advocate for a transdisciplinary approach to preventive health. Our mission, in alignment with the Knowledge and Innovation agenda of Health Holland, is to extend the average healthy lifespan by at least five years for all Dutch citizens and reduce health disparities by 30% by 2040.

To achieve this, we focus on four key research themes spanning critical life events while propelling systemic transitions in preventive health. To encourage transdisciplinary collaboration on the topic of Preventive Health, we open our Open Call for proposals from the 1st of April 2024, which will remain open till 2024 funds are depleted.

Research themes

Project Ideas should fit within our research themes:  

Who can submit?

Project Ideas should be submitted by a group of at least three co-applicants employed by one of the Universities in the Alliance TU/e, WUR, UU, and UMCU. Notably, the applicants and co-applicants must represent at least three different institutions within the Alliance.

What can be submitted?

We welcome Project Ideas focusing on preventive health research aligned with our themes. Outcomes should be tangible.

Funding information

External collaborators may be included in proposals, but funding must remain within our four institutes. The inclusion of collaborators beyond our institutes is advantageous. The budget requested must be spent by December 1st, 2024, and must support tangible outcomes such as literature reviews, white papers, or proposals for larger grant schemes.


For inquiries regarding this Call for Proposals, please contact Martine van der Mast (martine.vandermast@wur.nl).

Submission guidelines

Please ensure compliance with the Terms & Conditions detailed in the attached documents before submitting your proposal.

Terms & Conditions
Application Form
Budget Template

Note: This Call for Proposals will remain open until the 2024 budget is depleted, with a maximum grant amount of €50,000 per proposal. We reserve the right to partially fund projects.