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We are happy to announce our three Keynote speakers for the Preventive Health Conference 2024 – Just Transformations!

Amid rising anthropogenic threats, increased longevity, and the escalation of chronic conditions in later life, transitioning from curative to preventive healthcare is essential—a sentiment widely acknowledged. But is it as simple as “just” that? And how do we ensure these shifts are “just” for everyone? During this conference, three keynote speakers will explore what steps are truly needed to achieve the necessary transformations.

09:45 – 11:00 Transitions Towards more Preventive Health 

Speaker: Wouter Boon (Utrecht University)

In his talk Wouter Boon will give an introduction to the concepts originating from transition studies which help to understand how the transition towards preventive health starts, what the main challenges are and what is needed to overcome these challenges.   

11:15 – 12:15 A Better Business Case for Prevention 

Speaker: Bram Wouterse (Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management)

Investing in healthier lifestyles and other forms of prevention is seen by many as the key to  improve our population’s health and tackle inequalities. At the same time, many countries are lagging behind in implementing preventive measures and finding financing for lifestyle interventions from governments, health insurers, or other parties is hard.

Bram Wouterse discusses why the business case for prevention is often so hard to make and what can be done to improve it. This requires efforts from policy makers and financers, but also from public health professionals and lifestyle innovators themselves. A key shift in perspective is that we need to start thinking about prevention not as a way to save health care costs, but as a cost-effective investment in health.   

15:30 – 16:15 Embracing Brilliant Failures 

Speaker: Paul Iske (Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics, Institute for Brilliant Faillures)

Failure. A word that instills fear in many. Yet, according to Paul Iske, it is something to celebrate and learn from. In his keynote session, Iske delves deep into creating an environment that fosters innovation. He explores various strategies for promoting creative thinking and how to embrace Brilliant Failures to drive progress.  

His lecture reminds us that failures are actually stepping stones to success. By embracing our Brilliant Failures on our personal and professional journeys, we can learn from them and pave the way for a future full of innovation and growth. 

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