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On June 5th, the Institute for Preventive Health (i4PH) and the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) hosted a vibrant Community Get-Together at Eindhoven University of Technology. This event, focused on “Exploring Technology and AI in Preventive Health,” brought together researchers from across the EWUU alliance for an afternoon of insightful presentations and networking.

The session commenced with a warm welcome from Dasha Alexeeva of i4PH and EAISI, who introduced the two institutes and their collaborative efforts in preventive health and AI.

The Get-Together then continued with presentations by researchers from our community. Martijn Willemsen from TU/e IE&IS & JADS presented on “Building Trust in (Clinical) Decision Support Systems and AI: Do We Need Explanations (XAI)?” He explored the importance of trust in AI systems used for clinical decision-making and the role of explainable AI (XAI) in enhancing this trust.

Next, Maarten Houben and Minha Lee from TU/e, ID, discussed “Designing User Interfaces for Sensitive Settings and Vulnerable Populations.” They presented innovative approaches to creating user-friendly interfaces tailored to the needs of vulnerable populations, emphasising the significance of sensitivity in design.

Hanna Hauptman from UU and Callum Gunn from UMCU then explored “Social Network-based ICT Applications for the ‘New Elderly’,” discussing the potential of social network-based ICT applications to enhance the lives of the elderly and addressing both the technological and social aspects of their integration.

After each presentations, attendees engaged in a Q&A, which highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of the challenges and solutions in preventive health and AI. The formal program then concluded with a networking session over drinks at the EAISI office, providing an excellent opportunity for researchers to connect, share ideas, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

Despite some technical difficulties, and train delays, the hybrid session was a succes. The i4PH Community Get-Together set a positive tone emphasising the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing preventive health. Mark your calendars for the upcoming Community Get-Togethers in Wageningen (June 25th) and Utrecht (October 3rd), and join us in our mission to shape a healthier future.